Who is Jordon Hudson? All About Bill Belichick’s 24 years old girlfriend

Jordon Hudson

Jordon Hudson (age 24, born in 1999) is a stunning pageant queen and former college cheerleader, has recently made headlines with her surprising romantic connection to NFL legend Bill Belichick, 72.

Hudson, who captured national attention by winning a championship while cheerleading at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts, is now turning heads for a different reason.

The revelation of their relationship has shocked fans and the public alike due to the nearly 50-year age difference between Hudson and Belichick. Despite this significant gap, the couple managed to keep their romance under wraps, with only occasional sightings sparking rumors.

Insiders reveal that Hudson was a discreet supporter of Belichick, frequently visiting Gillette Stadium during the 2022 and 2023 Patriots seasons to cheer on the team.

Her low-profile presence at the games has now come to light, adding an intriguing layer to the legendary coach’s personal life.




Jordon Hudson with Bill Belichick

Belichick & Hudson are dating since 2021

In 2021, Hudson met legendary football coach Bill Belichick on a flight from the Boston area to Florida.

They bonded over a philosophy project Hudson was working on and exchanged contact information, staying in touch about her schoolwork and cheerleading routines over the next few months.

After Belichick’s private split from longtime partner Linda Holliday during the 2022 season, Hudson and Belichick’s relationship deepened. They kept things under wraps initially, with Hudson supporting Belichick at games during the 2022 and 2023 seasons.

In March 2023, they started to go public. Belichick was seen cheering for Hudson at a cheerleading competition, showing his support. He later joined her on a work trip to Croatia, blending their personal and professional lives.

Their relationship hit the spotlight when Hudson attended Tom Brady’s Patriots Hall of Fame induction ceremony with Belichick, confirming their status as a couple.



Bill Belichick with Girlfriend Jordon Hudson

Bill and Jordan Spotted together

The couple, with a 48-year age gap, had kept a low profile until their relationship made headlines last week. On Wednesday, ex-Patriots coach Bill Belichick, 71, was spotted with his 24-year-old girlfriend, Hudson, enjoying the sunshine on his boat in Nantucket.

Belichick took Hudson for an early morning spin on his $225,000 powerboat, named VIII Rings, commemorating his eight Super Bowl titles. Exclusive photos show them looking relaxed as they climbed off the vessel, with Hudson clutching nautical buoys.

She checked her phone while chatting with Belichick and another male companion before they all piled into a car together. Belichick kept his head down, carrying a blanket and a bag, dressed in a blue baseball cap, polo shirt, and shorts.



Jordon Hudson height

Hudson competed in beauty shows

Beyond her cheerleading achievements, Hudson has also made a mark in the beauty pageant world. Earlier this year, she competed in the Miss Maine USA contest and placed as the first runner-up, with Anne Baldridge taking the title.



Cheerleader Jordon Hudson

Jordan Hudson has been cheerleading since the age of 4

Jordon Hudson was born in 1999 in Provincetown, Massachusetts, discovered her passion for cheerleading at just 4 years old. She attended Nauset Regional High School and is now a standout collegiate cheerleader at Bridgewater State University, home to three-time NCA College Cheerleading National Champions (2011, 2014, 2019).

Cheerleading in college has transformed Hudson, teaching her accountability, hard work, and punctuality on and off the mat. Despite the pandemic challenges, including the 2020 NCA National Championship cancellation, Hudson and her team have persevered with determination.

Beyond athletics, Hudson is an entrepreneur, serving as the executive director of Trouble Club Enterprises, a special members club. She also founded Bridgewater State University’s BOSS BABE CLUB, dedicated to personal growth, offering activities and resources to boost self-confidence, achieve career goals, and promote overall well-being.



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Jordon Hudson FAQs

Ques: How tall is Jordon Hudson?

Ans: Hudson is 5 feet 6 inches tall.

Ques: Who is Jordan Hudson’s boyfriend?

Ans: Bill Belichick.

Ques: What is Jordon Hudson’s age?

Ans: Jordon is 24 years old.