Who is Robert Winnett? Telegraph Journalist Will Not Join Washington Post

Journalist Robert Winnett

Robert Winnett (age 47, born in 1976) is a big name in British journalism, holding the position of deputy editor at The Telegraph. His nearly 17-year stint at the publication followed a notable career at the Sunday Times.

While at the Sunday Times, Winnett made waves by investigating the “cash for honors” scandal. This high-profile probe exposed controversial connections between political donations and the granting of life peerages in the House of Lords, showcasing his dedication to journalistic integrity.

At The Telegraph, Winnett continued to shine with his investigative skills. He played a key role in revealing the misuse of expense accounts by Members of Parliament, a series that rocked the political scene in Britain.

More recently, Winnett oversaw the publication of over 100,000 private WhatsApp messages between government ministers during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, further cementing his reputation for uncovering important truths in public office.



Robert Winnett Will Not Join Washington Post

Robert Winnett, who was set to join The Washington Post as executive editor after the November election, has decided to stay at The Telegraph as deputy editor. This choice comes amidst controversy over his journalistic practices.

This decision follows revelations by The New York Times about Winnett and Lewis’s use of stolen phone and company records during their time at the Sunday Times in the 2000s.

The Washington Post’s investigation scrutinized Winnett’s methods and compared UK reporting ethics with US standards.

The Washington Post published an expose raising ethical concerns about Winnett’s past work, prompting his decision.

Despite this, Winnett will continue his role at The Telegraph, reaffirmed by Telegraph Media Group leadership.

With Winnett staying at The Telegraph, editor Chris Evans expressed satisfaction, highlighting Winnett’s talents and celebrating his ongoing contribution to the publication.



Winnett started working as a Freelance 

Robert Winnett was born in 1976 in the UK and showed an early passion for journalism. During his breaks from studying at Oxford University, he took on freelance assignments.

His career officially started in 1995 at The Sunday Times of London as a personal finance writer, even while he was still a student.

In September 2007, Winnett joined The Telegraph, where he played a key role in the newspaper’s groundbreaking expose on MPs’ expenses.

This investigative work propelled him to the position of Political Editor at The Telegraph. He has been serving as the Deputy Editor for the past decade.


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Robert Winnett FAQs

Ques: Where did journalist Robert Winnett graduate?

Ans: University of Oxford.

Ques: Why didn’t journalist Robert Winnett join the Washington Post?

Ans: Due to ethical concerns from his time at the Sunday Times.

Ques: How old is journalist Robert Winnett’s age?

Ans: Robert Winnett is 47.